1 min readJan 20, 2022


"Unfortunately, the solution is not as simple as building more multifamily or single-family housing using conventional housing models [or] making minor adjustments to our planning and zoning (such as simply increasing density)"

I agree--a paradigm shift is certainly needed.

However, I do think these actions--though not solutions when considered individually--can have an impact when combined. While we continue to wait (and fight) for the great paradigm shift, we can focus on changing single-family zoning laws and allowing increased densification in urban and suburban areas.

California is on the right track, with the expansion of ADU laws in recent years and the passing of SB 9 and SB 10 in 2021. You can learn more about Senate Bill 9 and its potential impact here:

Building smaller, more affordable housing units won't solve the housing crisis, but it can help alleviate it. At least it's a step in the right direction.




Homestead’s founders met at MIT’s graduate School of Architecture and City Planning. Our goal is to help solve the housing crisis by empowering homeowners.